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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/04/2016 in all areas

  1. Thanks you for the informationm, turns out it was the module's issue but that is now solved. I sent a message on the respected forum thread that there is an issue with not being able to activate the service however.
    2 points
  2. You should update those queries to encapsulate the values in quotes, otherwise running them will generate a syntax error. UPDATE `emails` SET `from`='billing@domain.com' WHERE `from`='billing@subdomain.domain.com';
    1 point
  3. Please see: How to change all the emails from subdomains?
    1 point
  4. If you have an old server with cron running, yes, it will chug along like normal even if the license is invalid. You will want to kill that cron, and preferably delete the old installation.
    1 point
  5. Every make any progress on this? For cPanel, if it's unable to connect usually it's a firewall issue. Blesta needs to make an outgoing connection to your WHM server over TCP port 2086 or 2087. Make sure those ports are open for egress traffic.
    1 point
  6. Patched Update to FraudRecord Blesta Module fixes bugs found in last release! Please redownload and try the new version if you have issues with the old version. Version Released 1.1.3
    1 point
  7. Tyson


    Blesta only marks orders as fraud if you have Maxmind configured in Blesta to reject them based on score, free emails, etc. Otherwise the order will require review (i.e. manual approval). Again, this depends on how you have these settings configured in Blesta under the [Packages] -> [Order Forms] -> [settings] tab. If an order is rejected, then I believe no payments could be accepted for the order because the customer is unable to get to the payment step.
    1 point
  8. Here are the tags. The email subject is used as the ticket.summary, so you can reference that field in the email template.
    1 point
  9. UPDATED 27-01-2016 One year after the latest update, here it is the new "revamp" and full loaded Support Manager Pro with an huge modification to support exclusive features to Blesta This is a major upgrade to Support Manager Pro, I have tested everything, but sometimes things can go rong (WHMCS exemple lol), so please Backup/Backup/Backup before upgrade Support Manager Pro, to be able to revert Try to find the new features, you will have a pleasent suprise I also added new screenshots below: == Staff List Ticket View == Added: New Left Menu on Staff listing all Tickets Added: Quick Filter tickets by Department (Drop Down Style) Added: Total Tickets By Status Added: Cookie to store Full Screen Ticket View Windows Status, for wen navigating betwin links remember if its full Added: Background Color Change on Ticket, wen its assignet to you Added: Font Awesome for styling Added: Show background diferent color (light red) on Ticket line, if the ticket was not readed/open by Staff Fixed: Some issues on Services Ticket View Tab (thanks to viperdh) Fixed: Some issues on PIPE Ticket Import (thanks to viperdh) Fixed: Some issues on KB (thanks to viperdh) == Staff View/Reply Ticket == Added: Warning message if any outher staff member is viewing/replying the ticket Added: More Client Details that are hide by default but you can click on the litle arrow down button to display all Added: Real Time Saveto database on any Department Change and/or Assinet to and/or Priority and/or status. (Auto Submits the form) Added: Assing a Service to the Ticket (if the client has active services on it) Added: Assing Custom Fields to Ticket (you can now add/remove/edit costum fields by Ticket) Added: Notes moved to TOP of any Replies to better view Added: Left Menu to Quickly navigate betwin Departments/Status Added: List Client Services Added: Quoting an reply now adds extra styling to text adding date + time + who submited Added: Font Awesome for styling Removed: Unecessary space betwin Reples == Client Area == Added: Ticket Widget to list all tickets like Staff Client Area == Client View Ticket == Removed: Ticket Log changes (dosent make sense view them) == Client Reply Ticket == Added: Asigned Service (yes clients can assign service finally to tickets) == Client Add Ticket == Added: Asigned a Active Service to the Ticket (as above clients can assign service finally to tickets) To add/remove/edit custom fields to tickets just go to Settings->Plugins->Support Manager Pro->Manage (folow the instructions) New Screen SHots 2016 See first post how to install/upgrade Hope you all like, and sorry for the late update Regards, PV
    1 point
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