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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/12/2016 in all areas

  1. ModuleMatic

    Next Module

    Now our list of pending Modules is very big We have a lot of work now, - DirectAdmin Extended - LogicBoxes Extended - Plesk Extended - OnApp - Proxmox Thanks to all for their opinion, We will update the progress of the module that we decide to start.
    2 points
  2. Hello All . we bring exclusive content , this time is the Announcement plugin . A very clean and simple Announcement plugin for Blesta , allows you to post announcements , and make them , Publicly for all or based on clients groups and service's packages. the plugin can : add/edit/delete Announcement. List All Announcements Restriced Announcement based on client Group And packages . Show widget announcement in client side . Option to enable/disable widget in client side. Setting to show announcement in full or mixed views. Set how much announcement should be displayed in widget client TODO LIST : - show widget announcement in client side . Done - option to enable/disable widget in client side Done - set how much announcement should be displayed in widget client Done - allow share buttons or announcement - allow client to ignore announcement message . - hide announcement in widget after X days . - Add RSS announcements (just the public announcements) - add setting to show announcement in full or mixed views Done Some screenshoot : Admin Side : Client Side : client widget : This Plugin is tested in our test server , no bugs at the moment , in this weekend we will add support for client widget . as always the installtion steps is : 1 - download the file http://blesta-addons.com/plugin/store/main/item/22/ 2 - upload the announcements folder inside plugin directory . 3 - goto plugins , and install Announcements Plugin . 4 - enjoy the free content . If anyone wants to have it on their portal you can use this code: (thanks to @Licensecart) {% if plugins.announcements %}<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 portal-box"> <a href="{client_url}plugin/announcements/client_main/"> <div class="well"> <i class="fa fa-info fa-4x"></i> <h4>Announcements</h4> <p>You can see all the latest news here.</p> </div> </a> </div>{% endif %} It will only show up if the module is installed. This plugin require Basic (Bronze) subscription
    1 point
  3. The license is valid and eligible for transfer. I have redacted part of the license key above as it's not good for it to be public.
    1 point
  4. Logicboxes expects the ISO 3166-1 country code. So it seems "GB" is the country that should be set rather than "UK", which explains the error.
    1 point
  5. Tyson


    If you click the gear icon at the top right of the widget you have the option to change 7 days to 30 days on the graphs.
    1 point
  6. Your issue sounds similar to another thread. Usually the problem is that some required contact information is not set on the client's account in Blesta and is thus not filled in when automatically sent to Logicboxes. As Licensecart mentioned, you may find out which field is missing by looking through raw output from the request on the Module Logs page.
    1 point
  7. Paul

    Next Module

    People have been asking for OnApp support for a while, though I think someone was working on this.
    1 point
  8. IM BACK IN BUSINESS all i did in terminal is typed apt-get install postfix and boom hit that send button in blesta and it worked like a charm... Thanks for all the help.
    1 point
  9. i have a color selector for client side and cookies to keep the choice . and i wil adjust the dark color later . license , for client side i remove it , and it remain in admin side . about the sidebar , i have took the whole page screen, normally it feet to the bottom of screen . is for my old website , it will be available in naja7host.com . now i have finished the ovh servers modules , it need some test and i will move quickly .
    1 point
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