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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/08/2016 in all areas

  1. I do agree with the universal cart so you can have hosting, domain and ssl for example on one order.
    1 point
  2. i don't think you have tested it with variant case . Groups is not the solution . but it can help in some cases and minimize the confusing for the clients . personally i have my own solution (custom order plugin) . anyway , the behavior to have multiple carts for unique website and unique clients has no sense for me at least .
    1 point
  3. my world is a small worlda and private one , nothing to have with the real world
    1 point
  4. Paul

    Multicraft Request

    Are you configuring your package to automatically cancel the service at the end of the term? Unfortunately there is no simple solution to this, we are planning to add an option for Package switching after order, which would accomplish what you are after. What I would suggest is this: Allow users to sign up for a 1 day package, then after they sign up, change their term to monthly manually.
    1 point
  5. Tyson

    Checkout & Pay 404 Error

    I suspect that issue is a bug that can be resolved as I mentioned in post 14. A condition of duplicating the issue is that you must encounter an error such as not filling out all required fields. We're tracking this as CORE-1937.
    1 point
  6. "1 Month for 1 @ $X" just seems awkward for things that aren't sold with a quantity. Changing language files does work to get rid of this, but it's an all or nothing solution and while I am a developer not everyone is.
    1 point
  7. It looks like the reported issue of not working from the client side still exists as well from the admin side now. I will see what I can do to fix it up and put a pull request in
    1 point
  8. ------ EDIT 10 November 2015 ------ Yesterday, Viewing some admin themes in ThemeForest, I found "Remark". In short, 1 Developer, 24 Hours, 5 Liters of coffee. And this is the result: This is the final design for my Blesta installation, but I have a problem with the dropdown ¿Any know how to fix this? Furthermore, I will release my old theme (Design 1) to all the community completely free. (I will post soon the thread) ------ EDIT 10 November 2015 ------ Hi, I will release the new site of cyandark the next week, And I make 2 new themes for Blesta for the new site, I have 2 possible designs. Which of these two designs you prefer? Design 1 HostBill? No No. Design 2
    1 point
  9. Yes, I have all the rights over the theme. I will send a PM.
    1 point
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