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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/28/2015 in all areas

  1. Paul

    Order Forms For Specific Clients

    See CORE-2010 which describes the ability to create order forms that are not publicly available, but available to authenticated clients who belong to select client groups. I believe this will more effectively fit your purpose, and it's an item we've been discussing internally over the past few weeks.
    2 points
  2. I'm curious to know why you have database upgrades being processed when re-saving a package rather than upgrading the module?
    2 points
  3. Hi, As Cody suggested in my previous post about MySQL queries that might give you some insights about critical situations, now I'm making custom report to make it easy to use and export from Blesta admin interface. Output Preview (CSV data): Setup 1. Create a new custom report 2. Put the name you want to the report 3. Paste the following code in Query: SELECT DATE(invoices.date_closed) Day, count(*) "Paid invoices", GROUP_CONCAT(invoices.id SEPARATOR ', ') "Invoices ID", SUM(invoices.paid) "Total Paid" from invoices where invoices.date_closed IS NOT NULL AND MONTH(invoices.date_closed) = MONTH(:chosen_date) AND YEAR(invoices.date_closed) = YEAR(:chosen_date) AND currency = ":currency" GROUP BY DAY(invoices.date_closed); 4. Add the following fields: --- Label: Month Name: chosen_date Type: Date Required: Yes --- Label: Currency Name: currency Type: Text Required: Yes --- 5. Click on Save and now it's ready to be used You can also put the currency field as a Select field with the currency codes you use instead of having to write "USD" (or whatever you use) every time. I'm using this query to get the invoices ID to look and generate e-invoices with a 3rd party API, which is required in my country.
    1 point
  4. It's in our short-term bucket, so it's not planned for a specific release at the moment. Our short term bucket is what we dig through when planning releases and when we are ahead of schedule. The earliest it would appear is 4.0, but more likely 4.1 or 4.2
    1 point
  5. I've added these to our "short term" bucket, so they are at least prioritized
    1 point
  6. Paul

    Client Billing Statement

    Just a note on this. Since this thread was started, we added a setting under Settings > Company > Billing/Payments > Invoice Customization called "Payments/Credits". If this is checked, invoices will show any payments already applied to the invoice. If sending all open invoices to a client, they will be able to see how much is effectively due for each invoice when payments/credits are displayed. The only issue I think, is that it does not show a summary of the total due across all open invoices.
    1 point
  7. Thanks, that does look strange. Added as CORE-2009.
    1 point
  8. Nelsa

    Cron Job Update Automatically

    I will post steps to add cron job but keep in mind that most providers(webhostingbuzz and site5 have it in TOS if not changed)..don't alow CLI cron jobs under 30 minutes on shared hosting,you can see it and even set it but it won't execute.... Now log in to cpanel and click on cron jobs ,under common settings select "once per five minute" than under command paste your cron command,you can find cron command in blesta settings->system->automation IF YOUR provider don't allow CLI cron jobs at 15 minutes than insted CLI set web cron and it will execute(confirmed for WHB),web cron is like this Steps are same in cpanel just insted php command you can see in blesta settings->system->automation put this GET https://yoururl.com/blesta_dir/cron/?cron_key=PUT_HERE_CRON_KEY Just change url,blesta_dir and cron key Cron key can be found also at blesta settings->system->automation Just to be clear unlike CLI cron, Web cron can be set on different server,hosting account you have with other provider,third party cron provider....etc and it will work same job.
    1 point
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