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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/27/2015 in all areas

  1. mrrsm

    Client Billing Statement

    I did some brief searching and could find any threads even though I thought this was talked about before. There should be a way to print out a current statement for a customer. For example if they have 2 invoices, 1 is partially paid, I should be able to print out a statement that shows the total from both invoices minus the amount paid and the total they owe. I looked in reporting and couldn't find anything either although I would figure I would find this on the clients page in the admin section.
    1 point
  2. CORE-718 will allow for customers to order restricted packages, that exist on an order form, if they are logged in. Basically, any restricted packages on an order form would be hidden for most users. If the user is logged in, then they would see the restricted packages for which they have access. Not done yet, and the task in Private, not sure why though.
    1 point
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