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  1. Nelsa

    Cron Jobs

    This slowly became comic Copy paste from sit5 KB 1) Click the Cron Jobs icon 2) Enter the email address where you want the cron job results sent after each time it runs 3) Now you have to define exactly when and how often you want the cron job to run. This is made easier by using one of the pre-defined or common settings Notice that by choosing a common setting, all fields are filled in automatically. This also helps you understand what each field means 4) Let’s choose Once a week 5) Next, enter the command of the script you want to run, including the path (from root) Note: Remember to prefix the path with the binary you wish to use to run your script. For example, if you wanted to run a PHP script using the default version of PHP, you would enter the following before your path… “/usr/bin/php ” If you wanted to use a different version of PHP (e.g. 5.2,), make sure you use the correct binary (“/usr/local/php52/bin/php”) for your needed version. You can find most binary paths here . Remember to add a space between the binary and the path. In the example below note the space between ‘php’ and ‘/home’. “/usr/bin/php /home/username/script.php” 6) When ready, click Add New Cron Job That’s it! The cron job has been set as you can see here. You can create additional cron jobs, and edit or delete existing ones
    2 points
  2. The tag can't be used when replying to a ticket, only within the ticket email template under Settings > Company > Emails. Perhaps we should include a conditional for this tag to notify the recipient that one or more attachments are included in the update and they need to view the ticket online to download the attachments. Open to suggestions on how the original default email template should be reworded to handle this.
    2 points
  3. Cody

    Release 3.6.1

    Version 3.6.1 is now available. You can download it in the Client Area. This is a patch release that corrects issues with 3.6.0. Patching Blesta See Patching Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Release Notes See Blesta Core - Version 3.6.1. See all Change Logs.
    1 point
  4. Description - After adding a publicly accessible category and a publicly accessible article in that category in the knowledge base, when I try to delete that category, it doesn't show any errors. It just shows a blank red alert box. (which indicates something like, I cannot delete this category, delete the article first then the category. ) It should show some kind of error message and not just the alert box as shown in the screenshot. Assumptions I will make - For the sake of this thread, your domain is http://yoursite.com and you have installed blesta 3.6.0 in /portal/ folder. Both your domain name and installation folder might be different but I doubt it'll make any difference. How to replicate - Step 1 - Install Blesta 3.6.0 . It comes with Support manager plugin enabled by default. Step 2 - Login into blesta admin panel , hover over "Support" tab then go to "Knowledge base" link. Direct link should look like http://yoursite.com/portal/admin/plugin/support_manager/admin_knowledgebase/ . Step 3 - First add a category. Details of it are as follows - Name - I believe, you can choose any name. I chose "testingcat". Parent Category - None Accessibility - Public Description - Anything you wish to enter After entering all the details, press "Create Category" button. Step 4 - Add an article . Details of it are as follows - Title - Anything you wish to enter Content Type - Markdown ( I chose that, not sure if It'll matter ) Body - Anything you wish to enter Accessibility - Public Category - Choose the category we added using Step 3. After entering all the details, press "Create article" button. Step 5 - Now go to the main "Knowledge base" page/link and you should be seeing your category added under "Home Directory". Since I chose "testingcat" as my category , I was seeing "testingcat (Edit/Delete) " . Press "Delete" and you will see the popup with description "Are you sure you want to delete this category? All subcategories and articles within this category will be moved to the parent category" . Press Yes THE BUG - Now you should be seeing the symptom described and shown in the screenshots . My Test - I tested it on 2 different servers. (thus the 2 screenshots) 1st one is on shared hosting environment running cPanel. OS - CentOS 6 version of Blesta - 3.6.0 version of plugin - Support Manager (ver 2.10.0) version of PHP & MySQL - PHP 5.4 , MySQL - too lazy to check. I will, if needs be. 2nd one is a VPS running Plesk. OS - CentOS 7 version of Blesta - 3.6.0 version of plugin - Support Manager (ver 2.10.0) version of PHP & MySQL - too lazy to check. I will, if needs be. Note to admins/mods - I did read "Read First! How To Report A Bug" sticky. If I did something wrong, feel free to edit any parts of this thread or ask for more information. I will comply.
    1 point
  5. PauloV

    Release 3.6.1

    Thanks Cody/Tyson/Paul Keep it up
    1 point
  6. I'd probably do this $now = date('c'); $days_ago = date('c', strtotime($now . ' -7 days')); $results = $this->Record->select(array('date_transaction')) ->select(array('IFNULL(SUM(amount),?' => 'daily_sale'), false) ->appendValues(0) ->from('transactions') ->where('date_transaction', '>=', $days_ago) ->where('date_transaction', '<=', $now) ->group(array('date_transaction')) ->fetchAll();
    1 point
  7. I appreciate the follow up. For the most part, it's good but I did have one that should have ran today and it didn't. I've got more due over the next few days and I will make sure I'm at my computer to turn on error reporting in case it acts up again. I'm now running 3.6.1 and the upgrade went through with no issues. Thanks!
    1 point
  8. Just following up on this, everything still working properly with your auto debit cron?
    1 point
  9. Thanks for the suggestion, see CORE-1880
    1 point
  10. Michael

    Release 3.6.1

    Sweet merci guys, roll on 4.0 and upgraded mine when it came out and upgraded a clients. all smooth
    1 point
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