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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/2015 in Posts

  1. ModulesBakery

    Whmcs Migration

    Our release plan https://mbaccounts.thebakeryoven.com/plugin/announcements/client_main/view/9/
    4 points
  2. ChrisB

    Braintree Gateway

    I saw a request for a BrainTree payment gateway and remembered that while ago we whipped one up as we were contemplating using BrainTree. This was tested with test credentials but we never actually tested it or used it live.. there may be issues/bugs/etc and unfortunately as we don't currently use Blesta nor will we be using BrainTree, we won't be working on it/supporting it any further. I am 100% okay with Phillips Data, inc. taking over the plugin if they want to as we extended their stripe one to begin with, anyway. Or anyone else who wants to take over development on it is fine too. Anyway, feel free to test it out and report back here what you find for other users. Hope some folks find some value in this. braintree_gateway.zip
    3 points
  3. Paul

    Alpha Developers Group :p

    Yeah that was prior to A 3.0.0 beta release. We had 7 alpha releases, those that participated in that got that title. I would like to add a new title, and even a nice graphic like we have for 3rd party developers with listings on the marketplace, once that goes live. It would help bring attention to you on the forums. Thoughts on that?
    2 points
  4. I think that title was given to those that helped test Blesta prior to the v3.0.0 beta.
    2 points
  5. CCWHUK2

    Whmcs Migration

    Now THAT'S great news! I like that it's got the number 1 in front of it too! You would have a friend for life! lol
    2 points
  6. hpno

    Braintree Gateway

    The reason is at the folder name. It's actually "braintree\_gateway", and system cannot read "\" character. You will need to rename the folder.
    2 points
  7. bjacksparow

    Braintree Gateway

    Fixed the file. Changes made: 1) Added the missing objectToArray() function 2) Formatted the amount to be sent to braintree with two decimal rounding Download: https://www.lolitseasy.com/downloads/braintree_gateway.php.zip Unzip and put under the location: ~installation folder~/components/gateways/merchant/braintree_gateway/ Customer was created and card was charged succesfully. I was able to see it in the dashboard and vault. Other functions like void etc thorugh blesta need to be tested.
    1 point
  8. Michael

    Alpha Developers Group :p

    Sounds awesome sexy titles.
    1 point
  9. harzem

    Fraudtrackr Api

    I hope you didn't mind me opening the same thread. Most of the users of FraudRecord are on WHT, since FR serves to hosting companies. While I got your attention, can you contact me via PM here regarding a possible module for FraudRecord on Blesta? We have received dozens of requests but I'm not experienced on Blesta at all.
    1 point
  10. Paul

    Fraudtrackr Api

    Thanks for the post, and interesting thread over on WHT - http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1467936
    1 point
  11. harzem

    Fraudtrackr Api

    FraudTrackr is just a blatant clone of FraudRecord, they didn't even bother to create their own content. FraudTrackr copied the API almost exactly, including the API documentation. FR api: https://fraudrecord.com/developers/ FT api: https://www.fraudtrackr.com/developer-api.php The entirety of API system, variables, responses and documentation has been copied from FraudRecord. Including Pseudo-code and "Sample PHP Code For Developers". Direct copies. Most of the text and tables are blatantly copied. The sample reports are severely inspired as well. FR: https://www.fraudrecord.com/sample-reports/ FT: https://www.fraudtrackr.com/sample-report.php "Reported by", "matches", "information" fields and colors are very similar. Also, "how it works" is heavily inspired, and titles are directly copied. FR: https://www.fraudrecord.com/how-it-works.php FT: https://www.fraudtrackr.com/how-it-works.php They didn't even bother to change the URL! There are many more "similarities", I'm just putting a historical note here so that they can't claim otherwise in the future. I'm the owner of the original FraudRecord, I believe these are the guys who contacted me a while ago and politely said "we'll give you $10k to acquire FR, if you are not interested we'll create our own." I didn't sell for $10k and apparently I misunderstood what "create our own" means. Please do not consider FT as a legitimate fraud protection service.
    1 point
  12. New Version 1.1 Released. 1. 23 New Articles Added 2. 3x New Subcategory added to Softaculous Category. 3. 1x Article on Domain Registrar(DNS) 4. Image folder modified so in future we can easily add more articles. Full list of new articles: http://premadekb.com Note: For our existing customers, they can easily upgrade their KB version from 1.0 to 1.1 by uploading a upgrade only version. Release History: V1.1 Released on March, 2015 V1.0 Released on December, 2014. Supported Billing System/CMS 1. Blesta 2. WHMCS 3. Wordpress @Licensecart Currently we are working on InterWorx
    1 point
  13. CCWHUK2

    Whmcs Migration

    Trying to upload into 'My Media' a screenshot of the db but am stumped! lol Don't really want to link it to any website.
    1 point
  14. DNS Management With cPanel DNS Only (10 votes) - Any progress? ModulesBakery - digitalocean free module does not work, technical support is not responding.....as usual tasty
    1 point
  15. Nelsa

    How Do I Remove This?

    Hi,I think you can edit content of that field in app/views/client/customfolder/client_main_edit.pdt and make it to just show curent contact info without options to edit anything
    1 point
  16. https://www.2checkout.com/documentation/payment-api/
    1 point
  17. Hi Guys, Just want to let you know about our release plan for the next months: https://mbaccounts.thebakeryoven.com/plugin/announcements/client_main/view/9/ P.S; some other products are not mentioned here nor in our website, but we're going to release them along with the list below
    1 point
  18. The main reason I want to use this is for the bubbles and merging abilities. But I have a hard time trusting 3rd-party scripts from individuals. When the author loses interest, then we're screwed, as updates that break it are always going to happen. I've been there dozens of times over the years. I wish this mod simply added features to the existing support system, and not replaced it altogether. Better yet, I wish that the Blesta would just integrate these things into the core. The biggest item is the ability to import/export between the two support systems.
    1 point
  19. Michael

    Braintree Gateway

    Wow thanks mate will look into it thank you again Make sure you upload the files in: /components/gateways/merchant/ I made the mistake of adding it in nonmerchant haha. Also it looks great but remember you can't use currencies used by stripe or another merchant gateway.
    1 point
  20. It's dead simple, just a copy of unsuspend/suspend but with a dif api function and the plan as an argument. public function changeServicePackage($package_from, $package_to, $service, $parent_package=null, $parent_service=null) { if (($row = $this->getModuleRow())) { $api = $this->getApi($row->meta->user_id, $row->meta->key, $row->meta->host, $row->meta->port); $api->loadCommand("solusvm_vserver"); $service_fields = $this->serviceFieldsToObject($service->fields); // Attempt to change the virtual server plan try { // Load up the Virtual Server API $vserver_api = new SolusvmVserver($api); $params = array('vserverid' => $service_fields->solusvm_vserver_id, 'plan' => $package_to->meta->plan); // Change the Virtual Server Plan $this->log($row->meta->host . "|vserver-change", serialize($params), "input", true); $response = $this->parseResponse($vserver_api->change($params), $row); } catch (Exception $e) { // Internal Error $this->Input->setErrors(array('api' => array('internal' => Language::_("Solusvm.!error.api.internal", true)))); return; } } return null; }
    1 point
  21. Paul

    2Checkout Api Support

    Can you link the API documentation? We'll need someone to take a look to ensure it's possible to support their new API. Doesn't seem to be many requests for it at the moment though.
    1 point
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